The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises that depression is the leading cause of sick leave. This has led to research into the prevention of mental health problems. The result is e-pD-WORK, an innovative cross-platform application that offers users tools to reduce stress and make their day-to-day lives easier, in order to help them feel better. In a first phase, e-pD-WORK will be used by more than 3,000 workers throughout Spain who will be able to improve their quality of life by participating in this research study.
e-pD-WORK is a project promoted by the SAMSERAP research group (Mental Health, Services and Primary Care) and aims to prevent depression in workers through two different prevention programmes. e-pD-WORK is part of the Red de Investigación en Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la Salud (redIAPP) and is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. The project has the collaboration of INSATI as a technology partner and represents a further step in one of our priority lines of work, such as the application of DSS, MHealth and IoT systems to the field of mental health. e-pD-WORK continues the collaboration with the SAMSERAP group started in 2016 from the Epredict-D study.
Mental Health, Services and Primary Care (SAMSERAP)
The SAMSERAP group is composed of a strong multidisciplinary team of family doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, epidemiologists and statisticians. The group has carried out projects funded by international research Agencies (European Framework Programs, Medical Research Council, etc.) and Spanish (ISCIII, MINECO, Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía, etc.) research agencies. It belongs to the Research Network on Preventive and Health Promotion Activities (redIAPP) and to the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga (IBIMA).
SAMSERAP is part of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga (IBIMA), a multidisciplinary research area in biomedicine that is nucleated around the Regional and Virgen de la Victoria University Hospitals of Malaga, together with the Primary Care and biotechnology groups of the University of Malaga. Its objective is to promote research of excellence, preferably oriented towards translational research, favouring the obtaining of results that are transferable to clinical practice and biotechnological applications.