Once again this year we attended the Forum #RIES 2021, held on 10 and 11 November at the Mondariz Balneario, a thermal reference in Europe since the end of the 19th century.
Led by the CSG (Cluster Saúde de Galicia), the Forum RIES has been created as a meeting forum between the main agents of the public and private health and social-health sector at European level, in collaboration with the health ecosystem network ECHAlliance, where the most innovative results are made visible every year.
This 6th edition saw an important change in its format, from a traditional congress to an experience congress, with a person-centred approach and adapted to the needs of the individual. Four main thematic blocks were addressed: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, FINANCING, ASSISTANCE AND CARE.

During the event (see programme), masterfully conducted by Joan Cornet, the existing needs were addressed from the point of view of the person, with the participation of experts who contributed their vision of the present and future of the transformation of processes, with a high technological content. Throughout an intense and interesting day, we had the opportunity to learn about outstanding success stories that have had an impact on the well-being of people in recent times.
We leave you with the Making off – #RIES21 published by Cúster Saúde de Galicia on its youtube channel.