
The first day of the presentation of the results of the AVECEN project has been completed

During the morning of Wednesday 11 November, the most outstanding results of the AVECEN project were presented telematically, an initiative within the framework of the Conecta Peme call and aligned with the RIS3 Galicia intelligent specialisation strategy, specifically in its challenge 3: New model of healthy living based on the active ageing of the population.

The conference was opened by Xurxo Cegarra, CEO of Insati, who presented the different promoters of the project and made visible the different valuable collaborations they have had since the project began in June 2018.

Among them, the knowledge provided by specialist doctors from the neurology area of the CHUAC and different patient associations of the two most prevalent diseases at present: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s stood out.

Next, Ivan Pozuelo, CTO of Insati, explained to the attendees what the background and motivations were that led the consortium to promote the project, providing demographic data and prevalence of these diseases, as well as forecasts for the coming years made by different means of reference.

Then Javier López, Imagames’ engineering director, continued the day by presenting the project’s main objectives, namely:

  • Patient self-management through a PPP where an Individual Care Plan (IAP) based on routines is loaded. The PPP collects data by transparently monitoring user interaction and makes an assessment of their behaviour
  • Improving patient adherence to routines and prescribed treatment.
  • To facilitate the assessment of patient status and behaviour by medical professionals in order to improve the adaptation of clinical routines and treatment at all times

For his part, Gerardo Rodríguez, project manager at Plexus, looked in depth at the technical and functional details of AVECEN’s architecture, as well as the different user profiles and roles with access to it.

Jesús Dávila, software director of Arcade Consultores, the person who led the conference, presented the different sections that make up the App: prescriptions, appointments, diets, questionnaires and of course… thManuel Lama, professor at the USC, gave a tour of the application of process mining techniques in behavioural analysis, one of the most technologically innovative sections of the project:e games.

Manuel Lama, professor at the USC, gave a tour of the application of process mining techniques in behavioural analysis, one of the most technologically innovative sections of the project:

Next, Dr. Diego Santos, FEA of Neurology at CHUAC, Secretary of the Movement Disorders Study Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology and Vice-president of the Curemos el Parkinson Foundation, together with Dr. José Marey López, FEA of Neurology and head of the Memory-Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders Unit at CHUAC, provided the specialist’s vision by answering questions such as:

  • Barriers they encounter when it comes to carrying out continuous monitoring of their patients.
  • How new technologies can help in the management and treatment of this type of disease.
  • The role of telemedicine in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Relevance of non-pharmacological therapies and gamma techniques.

Finally, to close the day, the speakers at the conference took part in a debate in which they answered the various questions put by the attendees, inviting them to take part in the workshop on Thursday 12 November.

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